Residential Zoning

Permitted Uses in the Urban & Agricultural Residential ZonesDDD

There are two residential zones in the City of Dayton - the Urban Residential Zone and the Agricultural Residential Zone. Before you proceed to the below information, make sure you know your zone by viewing the City of Dayton GIS system.

The intent and purpose of the Urban Residential (UR) zone is to provide for a mixture of housing unit types, including single-family, duplex, manufactured and multifamily dwellings. The intent and purpose of the Agricultural Residential (AR) zone is to retain a single-family, low-density residential character. 

The following residential uses are permitted within the residential zones in the City of Dayton (note: this list is not all-inclusive of uses permitted in the residential zones. Please view DMC 11-03-020 for expanded information):

Development Type UR Zone AR Zone
Single-family stick built home Permitted Permitted
Manufactured homes (single) Permitted Permitted
Multifamily homes (3+ units) Permitted  NA
Duplexes Permitted  NA
Cottage developments  Permitted  Permitted

Accessory Dwelling Units

(accessory to primary residence only)

Permitted Permitted

CottageExample cottage development on double lot.

Residential Zone Development Standards

The following development regulations are not all inclusive. Information is hyper-focused on primary residential development only. For information on setbacks or other development standards not discussed here, please review DMC 11-03.030.

Lot areas, setbacks, structure heights & lot coverage  UR Zone AR Zone
Lot area minimum No min. 10,800 sq. ft.
Lot width minimum 50' 80'
Lot depth minimum 100' 120'
Principal building 
Min. front & rear setback (through lot) 10' 20'
Min. primary front, flank front, and rear setback (corner lot) 10'/10'/10/ 20'/10'/20'
Min. side yard setback 5' 10'