Dayton Skate Park

skate park

The Dayton Skate Park is a newly constructed skate park that has both street and rail elements.  It is nestled in between the Dayton Swimming Pool and Pietrzycki City Park.  

Location: 613 South First Street, Dayton, WA

Contact Information: City of Dayton, 111 S. 1st Street, Dayton, WA 99328

Hours of Operation: to be provided soon.

Rules and Regulations

  1. Use of the Skate Park is at the User’s “own risk” Pursuant to RCW 4.24.210: "Neither the City of Dayton or its employees, or the American Ramp Company are responsible or liable for any injury, loss, or damage to person or equipment. 
  2. Use of the Dayton Skate Park is restricted to skate boards and skates only. Bikes, scooters, or other equipment are not allowed to use in the skate park. 
  3. Use of helmets and safety equipment on the ramps is mandatory. 
  4. Users of the skate park are required to skate in the area where the persons skating around them are at an equivalent level of skating skills.  Also, spectators are required to stay out of the skaters’ way. 
  5. All users of the skate park are required to treat the other users in a respectful manner:
    - Do not harass others using the park or skate park.
    - No bullying.
    - No threatening acts.
  6. Use of the skate park shall be such that it does not create a nuisance for users or spectators.
  7. Noise shall be kept at an acceptable level as to not create a nuisance for other users, spectators or neighboring properties. 
  8. When the Skate Park is locked, it is closed for all use.  Any persons who would climb the fence and attempt to use the skate park shall have their privileges of using the skate park terminated.   
  9. No smoking.
  10. No use or consumption of alcohol and/or drugs.
  11. It shall be unlawful to discharge or use any air gun, gun, bow and arrow, crossbow, slingshot, or any other device with the purpose of which is to propel an object from the person using it. 
  12. It shall be unlawful to use or brandish any knife or other device in a manner which threatens or endangers any person or property. 

A violation of, or any failure to comply with any of the provisions of the following rules and regulations shall constitute a class 1 civil infraction.